Business and financial modelling for creative and purpose-led businesses

Practical    Visual     Robust

What is ModFin?

The ModFin System is a business and financial modelling methodology specifically designed for creative and purpose led businesses.

It has 3 distinct phases to help you:


  1. Get to grips with your current business and financial model and illuminate the complexity that is often hidden or not properly understood
  2. Create viable future strategies and innovate from this solid current base
  3. Create detailed pragmatic business plans to help you realise your creative ambitions and social aims

We understand the complexity of creative and purpose led businesses.

We help you get to grips with everything you’re currently doing as a business, how each part of your model is performing financially and how it all fits together. 

Our approach

  • Using visual tools and powerful questions, we work with you in a practical and participative way
  • It’s a structured, rigorous process with built in flexibility, making it robust yet tailored to your needs
  • We take a coaching approach which means we don’t proscribe the outcomes; we support and challenge you to reach the outcome that is right for you

The initial result is a

  • Clear visual presentation and understanding of your business, however complex
  • Robust analysis of the financial model that underpins your business model
  • Clear statement of the other returns you reap, be they creative, social and reputational 
  • Roadmap for creating your future model

What can it do for you?

ModFin is relevant for sole traders and large organisation alike. It’s best suited to businesses with at least two years of trading history. Over the last two years, we’ve tested and developed ModFin services for a range of different clients and contexts to create three core packages. Click below to find out more about how we can help you:



Development Agencies and Intermediaries

Get in touch

We’d love to hear from you.

To have a chat about how we might work together, please email us at or complete the form.

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